Registration closed as we kick off our inaugural run.

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If now is the time for you and you are feeling deeply motivated to start right away, please email us at [email protected] and we will see if timing aligns for you.

Transform your financial present and future in just six joyful and empowering weeks.


Introducing a simplified and effective path to money literacy and financial freedom.

You are no longer alone in figuring this out. 

Most people are in the dark when it comes to money, knowing what you're working towards, for how long and to what end.


Do you know when enough is enough?

💰 You may think you need more, but without solid daily financial practices, more might not solve the problem.

💾 You might already have enough, but poor organization is holding you back from financial success.

🙈 Without intentional effort, you may be unconsciously following your parents' financial habits and beliefs.

đŸ˜« Learning about money independently can feel boring, overwhelming, and complicated.

đŸ‘©â€đŸ’» It requires significant time and discipline to sift through financial information.

I will share with you how to operate your personal finances like a wildly profitable small business.


The Four Key Things You Will Leave This Course Knowing:

  1. How to take control of your finances with a very practical approach that will quickly become second nature.
  2. How to create a solid and doable financial plan that is in complete alignment with your personal and/or family core values so that you can lead a rich life without overspending.
  3. Set a specific financial goal for achieving financial freedom, and craft a plan so that you know what it takes and how long it will take to get there.
  4. A deep understanding of what’s possible when you manage your money effectively and the deep gifts this can have in liberating your time in powerfully positive ways.

It is time to transform the trajectory of your financial present and future.

Get on the list and save when we re-open registration.

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When you can envision the life you want to live, how you want it to feel day-to-day, sorting out the money piece becomes effortless. Building wealth becomes effortless.

This is where we begin together. 

Money doesn’t buy happiness but it can get you more free time, more time to connect with friends, to nurture hobbies, to take care of your health, to invest in that which elevates your experience of life.

All of this is a lasting feeling that fuels the soul, adds power to our batteries, and can absolutely be achieved.

It's time to elevate your life, break free from the patterns that keep you in financial darkness, and embrace the profound power of achieving money literacy in a way that makes sense for you, in your unique life.


We only get this one wildly unpredictable, exquisitely beautiful, soul discovering life to live. Make it all count.


Join me for Money Mastery and experience the empowerment and liberation that comes from taking control of your financial present and put the steps in place for a joyful and free financial future. 


You are opting in to receive news and updates from Meghan Telpner Inc. You can opt out at any time.

From Running A Cooking School To A Course On Money? It Was All About The Mountain.

In 2023 I made the empowering decision to dramatically scale down my business and effectively retired. I was at the point where neither my husband nor me had to work anymore.

Enter freedom 21 years ahead of the national average age of retirement.

Money freedom, yes, More importantly for us was time freedom!

In this offering, I am sharing with you the code I cracked and how I implemented it in planning for early retirement and how I made this feel relatively effortless.

I am sharing with you my approach to sort through the money mess- from mindset to bank account organization, spending habits, and more.

My goal is for you to:

  1. Establish your core values
  2. Understand the approach and tools
  3. Be guided through how to use and adapt them for your personal and/or small business goals
  4. Set it on autopilot so that you don’t actually have to think about it all the time, and instead will just know what you need to live the life you truly want to be living, now and into the future.  

I don’t approach this as a financial expert or an advisor on the topic, but as a person who was once self-employed and struggling financially and had to figure it out.

My gift is taking loads of complicated information and simplifying it down to the basics, what you need to know to succeed. 

I used this skill to create a wildly successful course business and in doing so, learned how to successfully manage both the finances within my operating business, as well as within my life.

My personal crowning achievement, without selling my business or my soul, and without compromising on the vision I had for my life, I retired at 43.

Not everyone will do this in the same time frame I did, but if you don’t begin the process now, when will you?

We are going to do this without requiring monthly spreadsheets, saving receipts, and ongoing data entry on your life.

That’s why I created this program. 

It is time to get started.

There is no more time or money to waste.


Who Is This Course For?

This course is a great fit if you:

  • Are motivated to redirect the trajectory of your financial present and future
  • Want to better manage cashflow in your personal life (and also a small business if you have one)
  • Are ready and motivated to make some shifts and do the work to implement them
  • Take full responsibility for your current financial situation
  • Accept this will take time on your part to implement changes
  • Believe that prosperity and wealth building can be used for dramatic good and that it's not all 'evil' and 'greed'
  • Recognize this is guidance for educational purposes only and does not address every possible path forward for every possible financial circumstance
  • Small business owners or 'want to be' small business owners who are concerned about going all in because of financial concerns
  • Know that true wealth is quiet and that it is the feeling within the four walls of your home and how life feels day-to-day

This course is not for you if you:

  • Are not ready to confront unhelpful spending habits and face it all head on
  • Believe that building wealth is what you can show off on social media and profiling manufactured earnings for praise
  • Are looking for a get rich quick scheme
  • Are still playing the blame game when it comes to your financial circumstance
  • Believe that accumulating wealth is the source of all evil
  • Are not ready to make the changes that may be needed
  • Believe watching course videos without also doing the work will solve everything
  • Don't need support with daily financial needs and just need an investment advisor - I don't get into specific investments
  • Want to go deep on the pros and cons of specific investments like gold and crypto - I don't open this can of worms either
  • Need your hand held every step of the way, or tend to need a lot of one-one support. This is a group course delivered by a team of two and we don't offer individualized support.

What Returns Can You Expect From This Wise Investment*

🧡 Empowerment to make confident financial decisions daily.

🧡 Joy in understanding and mastering money management skills in your personal and/or small business life.

🧡 Clarity on personal values and financial goals in alignment with your unique quality of life values (not mine or anyone's you see on social media -- this is about you!).

🧡 Practical tools and strategies that simplify daily (and monthly and annual!) money management tasks.

🧡 Improved communication around money with those in your life.

🧡 Deeper insights into your core values and true life goals and this liberates you from decisions around spending, affordability and saving.

🧡 Understanding how to transform financial challenges into opportunities.

🧡 How to spend mindfully without guilt or shame.

🧡 Save easily without deprivation or stress.

🧡 Set achievable goals with an action plan in place.

🧡 How to 'find' and also earn more money in your life.

🧡 Know with absolute confidence when enough is enough and you can embrace time freedom.

* This isn't magic! You do have to actually take on the exercises that are part of this course if you want actual change and results that will benefit the rest of your life.

You are invited to feel a greater sense of calm and ease around money, make aligned investments daily that enhance your quality of life, remove decision fatigue and debate around purchase decisions, and know for certain and with confidence what you can and can't afford.

You will be taking action for more empowered money management day-to-day and a strategy to begin building wealth for the future.

You are ready.

A Message For My Small Business Owners, Side Hustlers and Want-To-Be Self-Employed Folks

Once upon a time, I was running my small business from the 600-square-foot loft that I also lived in. 

I was earning next to nothing and had no clue how I was going to make any of this work.

Then I figured it out, bit by bit over the years.

What I learned transformed how I operated my business and my personal finances. 

I have since been ranked as one of the top female entrepreneurs in Canada, been featured in Forbes multiple times, and was a case study in the book The Million Dollar One Person Business.

If your goal is to live solely off the income from your small business, now or down the road, this is your first step.

đŸ€ You must understand your personal financial needs so that you know what has to happen in your business to make it feasible.

đŸ€Â Â You also must understand the inflow and outflow of money to be able to run, grow, and cultivate a thriving small business or self-employed life.

Money Mastery Connects All Of This Together For You

Whether your objective is to be self-employed, run or grow a small business, create a side hustle or simply operate your personal finances differently, Money Mastery is for you.

How will this benefit you as as a self-employed person?

đŸ€ Learn how to Improve cash management and cash flow.

đŸ€ Gain an understanding of how to free up capital for reinvestment into personal life and/or business growth and operations.

đŸ€Â Increase personal and business financial stability and reduce stress, allowing for better focus on life and business.

đŸ€Â Enhance financial decision-making by understanding the difference between assets and liabilities in your life and your business.

đŸ€Â Build a solid financial foundation that supports sustainable life and business practices.

đŸ€Â Develop better spending habits that can be applied to business expenses.

đŸ€Â Achieve greater financial flexibility and freedom to pursue business opportunities.

đŸ€Â Strengthen financial management skills to improve overall business profitability and resilience.

Though we do not get into specific business growth strategies, the money principles shared in this course apply equally to personal and small business financial understanding.






This isn’t about chasing wealth for its own sake. It’s about knowing your values, setting your goals, and feeling empowered to live a life where money is no longer a source of stress but a tool for freedom.

You become free to use your time however you desire.

This course is a life elevator, taking you the next level where you will view life from a completely different view.



Your registration to this 100% online learning experience includes:

  • 12 months access to self-paced course beginning October 9th
  • Video, and audio-only options for every course lesson
  • Complete written transcripts of every lesson
  • 10 course modules broken down into roughly 35, 5-20 minute segments (a few are a bit longer) for easy intake and to re-watch any key lessons later
  • Delightful visuals for every lesson
  • Detailed video/audio-only and written outlines for each exercise
  • Demonstrations of key exercises to support success
  • Links to additional resources, experts, and deeper learning in specific areas
  • Downloadable planning documents and supportive materials
  • Check-in and cheerleading emails to keep you motivated and accountable
  • Access to the Money Mastery Private Community hub 
  • Two live Q&A sessions in the Fall of 2024 with Meghan (recordings provided)
  • Easy-to-use course delivery platform where you will find this course alongside any previous courses taken with Meghan Telpner and/or the Academy of Culinary Nutrition
  • Opportunity to revisit this course as often as you like, with a guaranteed 12-months minimum access
  • Complimentary access to any additional material, interviews or other resources added to the course within 12 months of your registration.


It is a great honour to be able to create and deliver this course to you. Since 2008 I have been running my business, primarily the Academy of Culinary Nutrition (now closed), and working as a culinary nutrition educator and nutritionist. I have written two best selling books, have had multiple features in Forbes and been on more than 60 podcasts.

What I am sharing in this course are the tools, strategies, and approaches I have used to strengthen my financial literacy, empowerment with money both in my operating business and my personal life, and ultimately, lead me to choose to retire in 2023 at the age of 43.

Clearly, I haven't been great at not working and I am now doing exactly what everyone said I would-- I took some off and now want to share with everyone what I did to make my early retirement dreams a reality. 

I live in downtown Toronto with my husband and our school-age son. These days my days are filled with taking care of my personal health and well-being, doing crafty projects, playing in the kitchen (yes, I do still love culinary nutrition), taking care of my back and front yard urban farms, and taking most meetings while walking through local parks.

Living a life that feels free is truly the greatest blessing I have experienced. I can't wait for you to experience it, too.





Redefine What Is Possible 

Reclaim your financial power, liberate your time, and start living a truly free life.

This is a simple, supported, and effective strategy if you are ready to release the fear, overwhelm, and confusion as it relates to money and truly shift your current and future circumstances.

Why Others Are Joining The Movement

"I work very hard and feel like I am on a hamster wheel. I would love a breakthrough in feeling financially free." 

- J

"I retired last year and have money saved.  My question is it enough and how to spend going forward so the money lasts until I am 90.  I am looking at low risk investing and want to learn as many ways as possible to save."

- P

"I've always felt like this was a challenging topic with a lot of nuance, and I'm looking forward to the straightforward way Meghan will present these concepts. "

- J

"I don't feel secure. I am retired and am living off the income I receive from my savings, but I don't know how to judge how much I can really spend and still have enough for the years ahead."

- L

"I trust her!  I know that any information she shares is well researched and and shared with intention. If this course is like everything else she has done in the past, I know it will add value to my life and I will not be disappointed." 

- S

"I trust Meghan implicitly. I have been following her since the cookie blog days. Of the myriad of voices in the world, I've come to value Meghan's wisdom, kindness, compassion, and joy. " 

- J

"I'm tired of "flying by the seat of my pants" regarding money. I'm self employed and really need help on a better path of understanding. I get overwhelmed about numbers, spread sheets etc. so I'd love help taking better steps for abundance in my life. " 

- A

"I have taken a number of Meghan's courses and so I know that she explains things clearly and gives you a ton of great information.
She also makes it fun while you learn. " 

- B

"I have taken Meghan's courses before and have always learned something that refines my knowledge and helps me out.  I am very interested in hearing her perspectives on this topic.  My husband and I are going to take it together because we feel like it will stimulate good discussion around finances and planning. "

- D


Be first in line, enjoy bonus tips while you wait and premier savings when registration opens.


Registration Closes Soon!

Investment: $688

Your investment in this 100% online learning experience includes:

  • 12 months access to self-paced course beginning October 9th
  • Video, and audio-only options for every course lesson
  • Complete written transcripts of every lesson
  • 10 course modules broken down into roughly 35, 5-20 minute segments (a few are a bit longer) for easy intake and to re-watch any key lessons later
  • Delightful visuals for every lesson
  • Detailed video/audio-only and written outlines for each exercise
  • Demonstrations of key exercises to support success
  • Links to additional resources, experts, and deeper learning in specific areas
  • Downloadable planning documents and supportive materials
  • Check-in and cheerleading emails to keep you motivated and accountable
  • Access to the Money Mastery Private Community hub 
  • Two live Q&A sessions in the Fall of 2024 with Meghan (recordings provided)
  • Easy-to-use course delivery platform where you will find this course alongside any previous courses taken with Meghan Telpner and/or the Academy of Culinary Nutrition
  • Opportunity to revisit this course as often as you like, with a guaranteed 12-months minimum access
  • Complimentary access to any additional material, interviews or other resources added to the course within 12 months of your registration.

Questions? Here are some answers.


Maybe you're looking for a sign from the universe.